Category Archives: Reports

Undermining Justice: The UAE’s Struggle with Judicial Independence, Human Rights, and Unfair Trials

The rule of law in the UAE faces significant challenges in ensuring judicial independence, transparency, [...]

Freedom of Expression in Qatar

Qatar has claimed to commit to social and political reforms, yet there are still significant [...]

FIFA’s Decision to Award Saudi Arabia as the host of the 2034 World Cup: A Step Backward for Human Rights

FIFA’s confirmation of Saudi Arabia as the host country for the 2034 World Cup has [...]

Bahrain’s Internet Censorship and Its Impact on Freedom of Expression

Bahrain’s internet censorship has become a critical tool for the government in maintaining control over [...]

#UnmuteSaudiVoices: Open Letter to Saudi King and Crown Prince to take action and stop the repression of the civic space

ATTN: His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, ATTN: His Royal Highness Crown Prince [...]

Promotion and protection of women’s rights in Oman

Omani women have experienced a change in their status since 1970 when they were granted [...]

The Impact of the Saudi-led Coalition Blockade on Human Rights in Yemen

Since the onset of the Yemeni conflict in March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition has enforced [...]

The Goat Life: A Window into Migrant Worker Struggles and Saudi Arabia’s Kafala System

Netflix’s recent release, The Goat Life, has ignited a heated conversation surrounding the treatment of [...]

Abdullah Ibhais: Another Case of Vengeful Imprisonment

In July 2021, Qatar approved new laws to regulate its first legislative elections, but these [...]

The Verdict of the UAE84 Unlawful Trial: Another Wrongful Sentencing

On 10 July 2024, the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal sentenced 69 defendants to [...]