Category Archives: Saudi Arabia

What progress has been achieved for Saudi women drivers?

For most of us in the Western world, driving is synonymous with freedom and independence. [...]

Mid-year review of Saudi Arabia’s executions

Saudi Arabia is part of a long list of countries that still retain the death [...]

The Politics of Death: The Use of the Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Saudi Arabia is part of the regrettably long list of countries that still retain [...]

Unfulfilled Resolutions And Saudi Arabia’s Poor Human Rights Record

Introduction Although Saudi Arabia has announced vital reforms concerning basic human rights over the last [...]

Shedding blood on the issue: Saudi Arabia’s unflinching approach to the death penalty

In this article, ECDHR analyses the international and national legal framework surrounding capital punishment in [...]

War crimes in Yemen: a long-overdue call for accountability

Introduction Global discussion has been redirected dramatically in recent months towards the conflict currently taking [...]

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: The Gulf Interference with the EU Democratic Processes

By ECDHR Staff, 13 May 2022   Introduction Over the past decade, the European Union [...]

World Press Freedom Day

An infography on the state of press freedom in the world as well as in [...]

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

28th April 2022 In celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work [...]

The Plight of Yemeni Workers in Saudi Arabia

By ECDHR Staff, 28 March 2022 When the Yemeni Civil War started in 2014, two [...]