Category Archives: Saudi Arabia

Political Dissent in Saudi Arabia: The Cost of Criticizing the Government

In Saudi Arabia, political dissent carries severe repercussions, with the government employing a range of [...]

Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Investment in Tennis: Sportswashing and Human Rights Concerns

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has made significant investments in global sports, using high-profile tournaments [...]

FIFA’s Decision to Award Saudi Arabia as the host of the 2034 World Cup: A Step Backward for Human Rights

FIFA’s confirmation of Saudi Arabia as the host country for the 2034 World Cup has [...]

#UnmuteSaudiVoices: Open Letter to Saudi King and Crown Prince to take action and stop the repression of the civic space

ATTN: His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, ATTN: His Royal Highness Crown Prince [...]

Unmuting Saudi Voices: A Call for Civic Freedom

The European Center for Democracy and Human Rights, along with the Americans for Democracy and [...]

The Impact of the Saudi-led Coalition Blockade on Human Rights in Yemen

Since the onset of the Yemeni conflict in March 2015, the Saudi-led coalition has enforced [...]

The Goat Life: A Window into Migrant Worker Struggles and Saudi Arabia’s Kafala System

Netflix’s recent release, The Goat Life, has ignited a heated conversation surrounding the treatment of [...]

Saudi Arabia’s digital rights hypocrisy

The intersection of human rights and digital rights has become increasingly critical as digital technologies [...]

Gulf Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment in Western Sports Teams

Introduction The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have notoriously been accused of sportswashing, a tactic [...]

Gender discrimination in the GCC country’s citizenship nationality laws

Summary How is citizenship passed to children in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries? Do [...]