Category Archives: Bahrain

Bahrain: Detention of Ahmed Hasan Kadhem

Ahmed Hasan Kadhem is a 27-year-old Bahraini citizen. Since his arbitrary arrest in 2015 and [...]

Bahrain: Three Executions and an Extrajudicial Killing, One Week in Bahrain

Over the past week, Bahrain has executed three people, and another individual has died after [...]

Bahrain: Detention of Jawad Redha AlTarifi

Jawad Redha AlTarifi is a 27-year-old Bahraini citizen. Since his arbitrary arrest and detention in [...]

Bahrain: Detention of Nooh Abdulla Al Amroom

Nooh Abdulla Al Amroom was a 17-year-old Bahraini student at the time of his first [...]

Bahrain-Merida team’s Participation in Tour De France Represents A “Sportwashing” Case

UPDATE: In July 2017, the Bahrain sovereign fund Mumtalatak purchased a controlling stake in McLaren [...]

Bahrain: Former MEP José Inácio Faria (PPE) has issued a parliamentary question on the critical condition of Hassan Mushaima

On 18 April 2019, former MEP José Inácio Faria (PPE) has addressed the case of [...]

Bahrain: Bahraini court overturns decision to strip 92 nationals of citizenship

On 30 June 2019, Bahrain’s top court of appeals has overturned the decision to revoke [...]

Bahrain: Detention of Ali AlShowaikh

Ali AlShowaikh is a Bahraini citizen who fled his country in 2018 seeking for asylum [...]